Friday 2 March 2012

A quiet one..

Had a nice chilled out relaxing day today :)
Slept until about 12 this afternoon, was up last night until 3am watchin Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 1, I was soo tired but couldnt bring myself to turn it off haha oh and fyi; i'm totally Team Edward;)
Decided to make a start on the book today after reading the others, read one chapter then got a text off my cousin saying she was in so I went to see her and her 7 week old baby girl, Maisie :)
Can I just point out and state shes AMAZING! That seems to be my favourite word lately hahaha
Shes unbelievably cute, seeing other peoples baby's dont half make me feel broody!!! Need to find a boyfriend first ay! Unless I can see an immaculate conception on the horizon which I think is doubtful dont you!

Think its time for me to carry on a few more chapters of the book and I might just even watch the film again, maybe ;)


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