Thursday 15 March 2012


What is it with being a girl?
Why is it we have to deal with everything life throws at us and still paint a smile on as if nothings wrong?
Why cant we be more like men who seem to just not be bothered about anything but themselves?
But right there. Thats where i've been going wrong all my life. Men. Boys. Whats the difference?
One minute they're all bastards and wastes of space but then you find one, just one out of everyone you know and think yes; hes different. But no. Dont fool yourself because hes NOT!
He'll say all the right things, do all the right things and you'll feel as if you've struck gold with him.
But for how long?  A month?  A year?  Possibly even longer. But somewhere along the line it will happen. He will turn into that person he never said he'd be. You'll cry, he'll move on.

Then he appears again, months down the line. Right when you thought you were finally feeling like you again, like you could be happy without him. And he messes with your head, just like he's always done.
And you're back in that black hole you thought you'd finally crawled your way out of.
So it goes right back to the start, back to painting on the smile, pretending to laugh because if you dont, you'll cry. Cry and never stop.

I hope, deep down, one day that someone will come along and completely change my outlook on the male gender but for now, my opinion remains the same; men are pricks.

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Can I just add that this is MY OPINION! I understand that there are many men that are 'different' but in my experience, those who say they are different, are usually the ones that arent.

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