Wednesday 29 February 2012

First Blog..

Okay so i'm sat here bored watching Only was is Essex, reading Chyaz Samuels' blog and thought i'd give this a try.. Its just like a diary that people can see right?
Not actually sure what i'm gunna write about i'll probably just ramble on abou complete and utter nonsense and then realise i've typed about a thousand words! Haha oh as if it matters its not as if anyones gunna read this!

So Lydias mum just did a skydive! Shes got some fucking bottle, would love to do that one day though! Hopefully one day *fingers crossed*
On a sexier note; phhhwoooarrr !! Ricky is one sexy little bastard;)

Yer, seems as this is gunna be about TOWIE which I wasnt planning but hey ho thats how it goes!

OMG! Forget TOWIE! X Factor tour hit Liverpool Monday night, so I went last night (Tuesday) And it was effing amazing! Its impossible for me to pick a favourite but definitely at the top of the list would be Amelia Lily, Marcus Collins, The Risk and Little Mix!! If im totally honest, I felt a little bit let down by Johnny Robinson which devestates me to say cos he was one of the ones I was looking forward to the most :(
Did the obvious crazy stalker type thing and hit Circo on the Albert Dock hoping to do some star spotting (clearly just wanted to see Marcus or Charlie Healy! Preferably both obviously!) But didnt get the result I wanted :( Ended up leaving in a taxi an hour later when none of the above turned up haha but hey the taxi driver was a hottie!! ;)

Anyway may aswell throw my pics on here aswell as facebook! Haha trouble getting them on twitter though... Need to figure that one out!

 Right im pretty tired now so think im gunna call it a night!
This was probably the most pointless 20 minutes of my entire life but never mind!
Goodnight, xx